*SPOILER* Heaven Fell Down! A JOJO Bizarre Adventures Review
JOJO’S Prison Life
It started out with the main protagonist “Cujoh Jolyne” being accused wrongly for a crime she didn’t commit and get sentenced for 15 years and sent to Green Dolphin Street Prison!
But little did she know that it was a plot against the Joestar’s by the calculative Priest “Enrico Pucci” All so he can get to her father “Kujo Jotaro” by the way is the main protagonist for part 3 “Stardust Crusader” if you haven’t watched it yet I suggest you do so before watching Stone Ocean.
He drew out Jotaro to the prison all so that he can swipe his memory and his Stand “Star Platinum the world” with his Stand “White Snake”.
Pucci main intention was to read the contents of the memory disc so that he may understand what “DIO” (The main antagonist for part 3 and Pucci’s Friend) wrote on his diary to achieve “HEAVEN” which Jotaro read and destroyed after his battle with DIO.
The Mastermind
Pucci’s plan worked out great for him as he managed to not only steal Jotaro’s memory and stand discs, He also made him go into a comatose state.
Jolyne seeing her father succumbed to “White snake” fuelled her with a sense of rage to hunt the person responsible for her father’s state and her own predicament.
She vowed to chase him down to the ends of the earth at all costs along with her companions, from left to right Weather Report, Narciso Anasui, Foo Fighters (She is a stand by the way) Cujo Jolyne, Emporio Alniño and Ermes Costello. All of them were wronged by Pucci in one way and they all wanted Revenge on him.
But first they have to find out his true identity. They only saw his stand “White Snake”
Death of a Green Friend and the Birth of a Green child
After countless gruesome battles with Pucci’s ally’s the gang was one step closer to finding out the true identity of “White Snake” user Pucci and the first one of the gangs to find out the truth was the ever loyal “Foo Fighters” aka F.F.
During one of the battles with Pucci’s ally, instead of being killed the stand user survived and was taken by the medics. Seeing this F.F sneak into the ambulance to uncover the truth. However, Pucci was there ever close by to end his own ally life all so he can keep his identity a secret.
Unfortunately for him though F.F was already there, and he had no choice but to come out himself and reveal his identity. After this shocking reveal F.F was trying to make her way to Jolyne to tell her this. But unfortunately, Pucci knows F.F weakness which was the need to stay hydrated at all times.
Using that knowledge, He outsmarted her to the brink of F.F demise. But through a small chance F.F made it to Jolyne. While Jolyne was in her own dilemma about what to do with this green child that had an abnormal ability which she couldn’t understand.
F.F made it to Jolyne and reveal to her the “White Snake” Stand user, but it was too late as Pucci came over to there and manage to cause grave damage to Jolyne and Annasui who was with her and then he went over to the green child with the 10 secret words only he knew to fuse into something no one expected.
F.F Annasui and Jolyne were all near death’s gate. That is when Annasui told F.F to use his body to save Jolyne which F.F instead did the opposite and used her remaining strength to heal both Annasui and Jolyne from death. But by doing so she couldn’t keep her own form which caused her own death.
Kudos for being loyal to your friends F.F.
Made In Heaven!
Fusing with the green child and achieving one part of his plan, Pucci need for the prison has come to its end he set out to find this exact location to complete his ultimate goal which is to attain ‘HEAVEN”
Seeing that Pucci is no longer in the prison, The gang hatched a prison break in order to pursuit Pucci and stop him once and for all. Not knowing where he could have gone, the only way they could find him was the strong connections Jolyne has with Pucci after he fused with the Green Child.
After more fights with Pucci ally’s (Not gonna spoil those, you have to watch it yourself lol) they made it to Kennedy space centre where they will have their final confrontation with Enrico Pucci.
But Pucci already had everything set up and now he has to overcome his greatest trial ever which was none other than the “JOESTARS”. The final battle was in motion where the gang had an epic fight with Pucci 2nd Stand “C-MOON” which has the ability of gravity.
After an intense fight with Pucci with the remaining gang, just when we thought our heroes were gonna win…. Pucci got to the exact location on where he needed to be to attain “Heaven” thus was born “MADE IN HEAVEN” one of the ultimate stands in the whole JOJO’S Bizarre Adventures Universe.
It had the power to create an entire universe which was Pucci’s true goal in which people were able to see their future and live their lives without consequences. All Pucci needed to do now was to wipe out the Joestar’s and the gang who were not needed in his perfect world, Yep, my man hated them a lot.
Pucci Succeeded in killing of the gang with the exception of Emporio Alniño. Pucci stopped his time acceleration to hunt down Emporio. He stopped his ability and brought Emporio back to the same prison to finish him off. But without Pucci knowing Emporio had one thing, The Disc of weather report stand which had the ability to control the atmosphere.
Using that Emporio defeated Pucci and causing the whole universe to reset to a half stand. Ending up at a bus stop Emporio was wondering where he was to his surprise the first person, he saw was Ermes who was supposed to be dead.
At the same time, he saw Annasui and Jolyne who were also supposed to be dead by the hands of Pucci. However, Jolyne name was now known as ‘Irene’. Because of the entire half reset and Pucci death in the old world he didn’t exist in that world. It’s pretty confusing but that’s what happened, Since Pucci didn’t exist the Joestars didn’t have to chase any evil or fight any antagonist thus she lived a normal life and so were those that were affected by Pucci’s action.
My Conclusion
I have watched JOJO Bizarre Adventures since the first part that came out October 6, 2012, and all I can say is that not one season was ever boring or repetitive. It was a well thought out plot and the characters were all unique in each of the different parts.
The only thing they shared was their family name the Joestar’s. Through the ages they have been fighting evil whether if it’s the form of an ancient evil or a priest with his own sense of twisted justice. Each of the protagonist have and equal counterpart that they have to fight.
Stone Ocean had its own take of that fight which had a magnificent plot along with amazing fight scenes. The animation studio ‘David Production’ did an outstanding job of animating Stone Ocean along with its incredible voice actors especially Jolyne Japanese voice actor ‘Fairouz Ai’ for giving life to Jolyne on her Bizarre adventurers.
Overall, I give Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures Part 6 Stone Ocean a standing ovation for its incredible Story, Animation and Voice Acting. Can’t wait for Part 7 Steel Ball Run to get animated
From its opening song "Stone Ocean" sang by Ichigo from Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets to its 2nd opening song Sajou no hana sang by “Sana” both the opening matches the hype of Stone Ocean and it was animated magnificently. Never skip a JOJO opening!
Kudos to the author ‘Hirohiko Araki’ for his incredible mind and his resilience for keeping JOJO alive since 1987
and may he continue to bring us more bizarre adventures.