The Zariman’s Voidplume Guide

If your like me and just returning to warframe or are completely new to the game and have no idea what’s going on, then look no further. This is a comprehensive guide to how you could farm for voidplumes to earn standing, rank up and get the warframe Gyre.

First things first, what are voidplumes? Voidplums are both used as a resource to craft weapons and warframe components as well as a material used to rank up and gain standing in the Zariman.

There are 5 kinds of voidplumes that you can obtain.

1. Down (500 standing)

2. Vane (1000 standing)

3. Crest (2000 standning)

4. Quill (2500 standing)

5. Pinion (5000 standing)

Yonta in the Zariman deals with the exchange of Voidplumes for standing. The Voidplume Down variant gives the least amount of standing, being 500. Much like other vendors that deal with standing, the more rare the resource is the more standing the material provides as seen above under the Voidplume variants.

Now you may ask, “Where is the best place to farm these Voidplumes?” I found that the Exterminate mission in the Halako Perimeter is the best and most efficient place to farm the Voidplumes. Enemies rotate every hour between the Corpus and the Grineer much like the time zones in the open world areas.

After 20 games of Extermination my total average Voidplume count was:

7 Voidplune downs, 5 Voidplume vanes, 1 Voidplume crest, 2 Voidplume quills and 2 Voidplume pinion

My time per game was around 15 mins. So while other game modes may be quicker than this, the Halako Perimiter provides all of the variants and is the easiest mission to complete out of all of them.

Note - from the Voidplumes Crest to Pinion are fixed at those numbers.

Now that you know where to go next thing to know is who and what to bring. To get the most out of the mission and get the max amount of Voidplumes, the warframe Wu Kong is required for this farm.

Any weapon that can one shot or delete a boss’ health like Redeemer/stropha would make your life easier, as well as any weapon that can quickly empty a room. I personally used a Kuva Nukor and a Tenet Arca Plasmor. If you also have a Smeeta Kavat that would greatly increase your voidplume count.

What to do in the mission itself is pretty simple, kill everything first then being looking for the Voidplumes.

The Voidplume Down, Vane and crest variants can be found by activating the orb flashlights found in every corner of the map. Since playing the New War quest is required for the access to the Zariman, these flashlights look like the ones used in some of the cutscenes. You can find these flishlights if you hear a child's laugher. The sounds are feint and the flashlights are small so keep an eye and ear out for them.

Activating one will spawn a glowing ghost of a child, follow it and they will lead you to a plume, sometimes a music fragment (scan it or they will keep leading you there) or even a Zariman accolade.

Quills are found (or rather given) by the pink cephalon who acts like a teacher.

You can find her on the map, her location will be indicated by a pink circle in a certain tile for the mission. She appears twice throughout the mission so keep a sharp lookout.

She will ask where your "zariman accolade" is and you have to look for it (obviously). You can locate it by listening for a light hum (it can sometimes be on a different tile than where the cephalon is, but if you don't see the pink circle on your map any more you've gone too far)

Accolades are usually found within 50m radius from the cephalon so good luck.

Lastly, Pinions are dropped by Void Angels and this fight can be tedious if you aren’t very well prepared. There is only 1 angel per mission, and they are found in a random tile. They are guaranteed but blend well in the background so search each area carefully.

They are usually in this position before you interact with them

How to fight:

The void angel will have 3 health bars. Use whatever weapon, recommended weapons to shoot it with are redeemer or stropha as it is usually a 1 shot if built correctly. One the void angel is down; a yellow ball would appear over its body. Go into operator mode and enter ball.

It’s at this point tha you will be made, or forced, to fight the angel as your operator. Simply shoot, dodge and destroy its sheilds in void world, then repeat until dead or till the angel is on its last health bar, if and only if you have Wu Kong.

There is only 1 Angel per mission, and they only drop 1 voidplume pinion.

HOWEVER, with the warframe Wu Kong equipped you will manage to snag an extra pinion.

Using the same strategy to take down the angel, simply take it down until 1/3 of health remains and let it try to kill you and wait for Wu Kong’s Monkey Luck ability to proc/activate. This ability makes resource drops double its amount for 60 seconds. So once this skill is active kill angel as quickly as possible and it should drop 2 voidplume pinions.

*Side Note: The smeeta kavat also has the ability to double resouce drops as well. However, I am unsure if the kavat’s ability + Wu Kong’s ability would stack and make the pinion’s drop quadruple*

Now that you know where to go, what to do, how to obtain the viodplumes, I wish you all a prosperous farm.

Lorenzo Dumlao

Just some fat kid with a passion for video games, a VERY loud personality and literally nothing better to do. I’ve been playing video games for most of my life, so you can tell that I’m the unpopular background side characrer with no eyes and little to no movement.

Joined in The Chuckle Bunch for content and clout, stayed for the pure, unhinged stupidity.

The content I make is mostly my opinion so don’t take what I say too seriously if you disagree. I can’t promise that what I write is good but I hope you do get a laugh or two whilst you subject your retinas to the horrors of my mind.

I’m Majestic Yeet and I wish you good fortune travelers.