Destiny 2 Season Of The Seraph mid season review
Season Of The Seraph has been a very active season so far. With The Dawning, the story missions, the new dungeon Spire of the Watcher, and the new exotic quest with its own dungeon. There has also been a lot of new weapons that have made interesting changes to “meta”.
The Dawning was just a copy and paste of last year, but added one new cookie recipe to our friend in the Witch Queen home world Fintch. All though they did bring us some new weapons that were fun to use, but nothing game changing. They also added the Event Card and Star Baker Seal to appeal to the achievement grinding players of Destiny. Most of the challenges were easy to do. Like making one of each cookie but, there were others that caused you to kill 2,000 enemies with a dawning weapon. Overall, it was just busy work and nothing special came out of this year’s Dawning event.
Without going into spoilers; the season story has been adding more lore to the relation between Clovis Bray, Ana, The Stranger, and Rasputin. We have been lacking story about this since beyond light when we found out Bray was Ana’s grandfather, and The Stranger was her sister from a different timeline. Not much was known about Rasputin besides that he was an angry Russian supercomputer that had warmind bunkers all over the planet and had the power to delete us. The dialogue between the characters has been fun and interesting due to how Bray has always been seen as a crazy scientist that created Exo and brought the Vex to our planet. Having Ana taking a bigger role in this story has really showed more depth to her character. Overall, we cannot wait to see how this story ends and how it impacts us going in to Lightfall at the end of February.
The new exotic mission gave a new weapon Revision Zero pulse rifle. This weapon and quest line should be a staple in every season from now on. The quest starts by just doing the new exotic dungeon. Most of the dungeon is a mix of areas from Deep Stone Crypt raid and new environments that that leads you to believe you are in a different space station above Earth. With lots of hidden and locked doors to unlock though out the week this gave you reasons to go back in even if you where not doing the weapon quest. The Destiny team also added these 50 drones though out The Moon, Europa, the three operations that are just small strikes, and the dungeon that you must destroy with new Revision Zero. Once you collect all 50 it unlocks a special part of the zone and has a cool easter egg type event at the end of the area. Once a week you do have complete the zone on its harder difficulty in order to upgrade the pulse rifle, in order to get it to its best form, and to unlock all its traits. You also get an appearance ornament that makes it look like the gun is getting upgraded. This is something that Destiny should do more often with their exotic weapons in the future.
The weapons of this season have been adding some very new aspects to game. For starters, the new weapon from the vanguard Prolonged Engagement is the first 900 rpm stasis smg. We also have a heavy machine gun, Retrofit Escapade, that can come with a perk that causes the damage to increase the longer you fire on the same target. There is a glave that after killing with range ability it increases damage to melee which make for some fun melee builds. With these weapons and the new weapons from the Spire of the Watcher Destiny is giving us more variety to play with and giving us better ways to defend our light.
In closer as of right now, this season is doing a better job than last year’s season before expansion at keeping the players playing and preparing their community for the next stage in Destiny.