Gundam Evolution Console Review

What can I say about Gundam Evolution? A lot apparently! The real question is, where do I start? Well, let's start with the obvious thing. Gundam Evolution is just Overwatch with full on mechas. Yes, the game modes are different for sure and in terms of what I've played from the PC version before the console version came out, which is the version we are reviewing today, there are total of three game modes but all three of them are basically the same capture game modes in three variants. One is to capture points that moves, one is to capture points and move to capture another point and the last one is to, well capture a point and make sure it blows up......twice. Yea, there's not much of a variety of modes

But I digress, let's go back to the console version, more specifically the Xbox Series X|S version, I played on Xbox Series S for this review.

I've only played one game mode so far and that's because you can't actually select the game mode, mine was the one where 3 capture spawn but they keep switching between them and first thing I noticed is that the Skill Based Matchmaking implementation in this game is just terrible, if you win ONE match with a good team, your next match is literally against a team that feels like they are playing in a eSports team or something, it's terrible. I just wish SBMM implementation was most based on several matches instead of one really good match. On top of that, one player left in my team in the first ever match I've had on console and that player never got replaced and I was now left with an almost impossible task of fighting a team of 5 with 4 players, a situation that you are going to have trouble recovering from no matter what. I know because in my last match, someone on the enemy team left and we basically ran them down

Next thing I noticed in the matches is a bunch of people using Nu Gundam, which was released in Season 2, and honestly, there's so many things wrong about Nu Gundam from the start, like how it's funnels can track you halfway across the map based on capture point, not the actual whole map. But that's not the biggest problem with Nu Gundam, it's the fact that Nu Gundam, along with all the locked Mobile Suits, are either unlocked by using money or a currency that you would need to log in everyday just to get it. According to Whirblewind on Steam, you need about 70 days if you play 60+ hours or about 140 days if you play 20+ hours to unlock them. You can do your own math from there; you now realize that it's an insane amount of time. In comparison, majority of other popular games like Overwatch 2 and Call of Duty get their new characters/weapons for free on Battle Pass after reaching a certain level. You do get a third currency to unlock cosmetics like skins and portraits, to get that third currency, you have to open supply pods and if you get the same item, you get some Material Points. When I say some, I really mean some. I just don't get why even have three different currencies. Destiny 2 has 2 currencies, and they aren't as tedious as Gundam Evolution. I'm just saying

Now to talk about the end of every match, that's right, the MVP system they have implemented because, that's how Overwatch works.

Except for the fact that it's the worse implementation ever. You see, Call of Duty has a Final Kill system that shows you the final kill of the match and Overwatch has the best play......of the game. Gundam Evolution however has this system that's basically about the person with the most kills but outside of having a cool animation, they don't show the best play or anything in the match. It's just the the animation saying you are the MVP and that's it. Some stats show up after that and then it's just what challenges you have completed during that match and that's it. I wish there was more to the MVP than just that

Outside those things, I did find a game in less than 25 seconds between 3 matches and that's a good thing but the game just came out on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S so there's obviously a lot of players playing right now and that's the good thing. What's not a good thing is the fact that the game only came out in Japan in Asia and not the rest of Asia. I live in Singapore and just to do this review, I have to go to the US Xbox store to download the game and get it so that I can play on the console. I also had to play on the North American server so there could've been lag but I never felt any lag during my gameplay so that's one good thing if you are thinking of playing this game in Singapore or any other Asian countries, just get an Xbox Series X|S and change your console region or PS5 with a NA PSN account and just start playing! Just make sure you are prepared to spend a bit if you want to EVO Coins, that's about 9.99 USD to 99.99 USD, if you covert that in this economy, that's about 13.50 SGD to 135.12 SGD

With that, that's the end of the review. Do I recommend it? If you like this type of games but prefer mechas, you will enjoy it for a few months but if you just can't handle all the issues with the game, I rather you play either Overwatch 2 or Paladins

To close this review, I don't have a rating because I don't have a proper rating system and a rating without a system is just pointless so in the coming months, I will come up with a proper rating system and start rating the games but for now, I give this a 78 out of 2

Syed Maricar

I’m a gamer and a streamer who plays on various platforms and genres. I also love movies and travel. I’m curious and adventurous.

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